Over time, many shows have stock references emerge which may be familiar callbacks to regular listeners, but head-scratchers for newcomers. To help you not get too lost when hanging with the Culture Vultures, here's a handy dandy guide to frequently repeated phrases. If there's anything you're still confused about, drop us a line and we'll add it.
Hermione - Pseudonym for Dirk's girlfriend. The meowing Otto frequently does when she's mentioned refers to Dirk's "confession" that Hermione was actually his neighbor's cat whom he stole.
Bob "I'm Gonna Kill Somebody" Koski - The "third most-Cultural Vulture"; designated backup co-host and all around cool frood. He saw Straight Outta Compton and we've decided he is now a gangsta pimp.
SWINN (She Who Is Not Named) - Our term for actress
Jennifer Lawrence, whom we no longer speak of after her dethroning and
exile as THE Official Girlfriend of the Culture Vultures for becoming
another angry Hollyweird celebrity.
Official Girlfriend of the Culture Vultures
- A woman whose unique blend of beauty, talent and most importantly,
fun public persona makes her someone we'd love to hang out with. There
is a top slot ("THE Official...") and standard
As of June 18, 2019: THE OGotCV is Krysten Ritter; Emma
Stone is also a OGotCV.
Former OGotCV: Taylor Swift (July 2017-June 2019)
Dirk Inversion Test - Thought experiment where you test the validity of a politically correct premise by inverting the thesis and seeing whether it sounds ridiculous or would be offensive. (e.g. If a minority Oscars voter proclaimed they would only vote for other minorities in order to reduce acclaim for eligible white candidates, imagine a white voter saying they wouldn't vote for minorities and not getting torched for their racism.)
Otto's Hanger/Superbuddy Clubhouse - Otto's basement - don't call
it a "man cave!" - where we've produced the show since episode #45
after ceasing live broadcasts from the RRX studio.
Beautiful Mind Wall (BMW) - Referring to how Dirk sees money saved and thus spendable elsewhere due to his Bargain Ninja® skills; taken from the movie of the same name.
Fortress of Dirkitude - Dirk's ridiculously large collection of physical DVDs and Blu-rays from Otto remarking that he had so many he could build an addition to his home. (Update 2/22/18): The Fortress is currently non-existant pending Dirk's getting a new home.)
McHatin - The original co-host of Culture Vultures for 20 of the first 21 episodes. His departure has been explained variously as alluding to possible CIA actions to overthrow governments and that he's distributing Bibles in El Salvador. (Which is Spanish for The Salvador.)
Reese Witherspoon/Diamanda Galas/etc. - Pseudonyms for WhiteDogg (real name!), owner of Raw Radio X who engineered the first four shows and has occasionally appeared in early episodes.
#GamerGate - The consumers revolt against corruption in the videogame and mainstream press which has been falsely characterized as a hate movement by the media. Several episodes have had substantial segments covering this and can be found here.
* Autopilot - Jim Beam + Diet Mountain Dew
* Royal Ballslap - Crown Royal + Angry Orchard
* Manic Pixie - Crown Royal Regal Apple + cranberry apple juice
* Angry Autopilot - Jim Beam + Diet Pepsi w/Lime
* Undercover Operative - Crown Royal + Diet Pepsi w/Lime
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