Thursday, June 20, 2013

Episode #10 - "Everybody Calls Me Cobra" - Show Notes

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Alternate Title: "Sincere, Diverse and Kick-Ass"
  • Tonight's Beverage: Sapporo beer.
  • Dirk and McHatin's birthdays are celebrated and cute fast food girls are compared.
  • Dirk recaps his trip to Toronto last weekend for NXNE. Girls in bands are compared.
  • The convoluted saga of the Xbox One, Internet rage, Microsoft's flip-flop on DRM, more Internet rage, and McHatin's exodus to the Playstation 4 is kicked around at extreme length.
  • Free Game Concept: Wayne Gretsky's Last Stand!
  • The first draft of Microsoft's DRM-reversal announcement - leading to instant "Xbox One Eighty" memes - as conceived by Dorkly.
  • Steve and Aaron "Cobra" Greene of Voyag3r (say "Voyager 3") drop by to discuss their 7" release show, discuss their prior incarnations as Forge and Decibilt, their experiences chasing record deals, growing up and changing priorities, Man of Steel, and then playing the Deep Thoughts Musicians Quiz game.
  • Hitless Wonder: A Life in Minor League Rock and Roll
Production Notes: The inconsistency in the back-announcement of the first Voyag3r song was due to the song titles not being visible in the play queue on the broadcast computer. We intro'd "Victory in the Battle Chamber" and then played "Hunted Becomes Hunter" by accident. Later, when we planned on playing "Victory" in the 2nd spot, we discovered that none of the music was actually being broadcast during the whole show due to a glitch in the audio settings. It was corrected and we then played "Hunted" because "Victory" has been played in an earlier episode.

Due to the glitch, that also meant the the opening theme music wasn't recorded either. With a jacked-up intro, two holes where no music was recorded plus with the bonus of the studio mics being hot and transmitting (good thing no one was plotting any crimes!), we couldn't rebroadcast or podcast it as it was, so we assembled the show in Reaper multi-track DAW, dropping in the songs in their holes and applying some processing to get the pre-fix talking loud enough.

It was a mess, kept us up all night, but the results were worth it. Just a glimpse of how we make the donuts here at Culture Vultures when stuff goes wrong!

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