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Alternate Title: "Like Nerd Oprah"
- Tonight's Beverages: Labatt Ice (Dirk); Ottopilot (Otto).
- A milestone in pre-taping the show.
- Mop-Up: A behind-the-scenes article about the Power/Rangers "fan" film; how ILM designed Ultron; Jeremy Renner doubles down on calling Black Widow a bad word.
- Otto reports on Space Dive and Avengers: Age of Ultron in 3D.
- Dirk's Bargain Ninja® scoring of Replacements tickets and show review.
- First Music Break: The Replacements, "Back To Back" (YouTube video)
- Homeland Season 5 will be set in Germany.
- Thoughts on Orphan Black Season 3 so far and an interesting article about her dialect coach.
- We discuss the season finale of Gotham and the season overall.
- So-so quality video clips of the referenced scenes from Volunteers and Mike the Knife.
- The WNBA domestic violence story referenced.
- The Suicide Squad cast reveal gets poked at. The Will Smith cowboy outfit and in full Deadshot drag:
Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn (gallery):
- Star Wars: The Force Awakens Vanity Fair photos.
- The "disappointing" box office take of Avengers: Age of Ultron and weird whining of Joss Whedon about Marvel meddling.
- Second Music Break: The Replacements, "Back To Back" (audio on YouTube)
- #GAMERGATE/SJW STUFF (time index ~1h 15m thru 2h 25m - 80 mins)
- The list of previous episodes with substantial GamerGate content.
- Prom Queen Anita Sarkeesian named one of Time's 100 Most Influential People despite overwhelming opposition while Milo Yiannopoulis and other #GamerGate supporters are tossed from the Shorty Awards for wrongthought.
- Milo quiz, "Who said it: Jack Thompson or Anita Sarkeesian?" Sargon takes the quiz.
- TL;DR (pronounced, "Teal Dear") video, "The Sound of Crumbling Narratives"
- Sargon and Milo's 2-1/2-hour-long chat.
- The Ralph Retort gets tossed from a panel for taking Brianna Wu's picture.
- The Calgary Expo has the Honey Badgers' booth thrown out of convention. They're looking for legal aid. Mundane Matt's videos: 1, 2, 3.
- Some background on Mark Steyn's persecution by the Canuckian Human Rights Tribunal. The must-read book whose magazine excerpt sparked the jackboots is America Alone: The End of the World As We Know It
. (affiliate link)
- Georgetown snowflakes protest Christina Hoff Sommers (aka Based Mom) and demand the video be censored.
- The insane student opinion piece that yes may actually mean no because rape culture.
- The referenced cartoon pitting STEM fields against Gender Studies:
- The GamerGate in D.C. meet-up gets a bomb threat after Arthur Chu's incitement. Milo got laid and Cathy Young from Reason's reported. Kotaku's biased report earned a F-.
- Saw this after taping, but a good write-up of the whole event at Supernerdland.
- Ace of Spade's thoughts on the UK Protein World kerfuffle which was highly lucrative for the company.
- Third Music Break: The Replacements, "We'll Inherit The Earth"
- Joss Whedon bails from Twitter after abuse over the portrayal of Black Widow in Ultron. Breitbart and The Ralph Retort see it as radical feminists eating their own. Whedon denies it, but Ralph doesn't buy it and this delicious Milo piece that published the day after taping dubbed Whedon "feminism's battered wife".
- The Storify of the nasty tweets directed towards Whedon.
- Dirk explains why Prom Queen Sarko comforted Whedon. (Spoiler alert: $$$$$$$$$)
- Reminder: Thunderf00t's devastating video exposing the sheer hypocrisy of Whedon as he's repeatedly used the tropes Sarkeesian decries.
- The terrifying string of tweets from #FullMcIntosh ranting against Avengers and masculinity. (Trigger warning! Massive stupidity!)
- Ace of Spades' beatdown over Patton Oswalt's falsely equating SJW nuts to the Tea Party.
- Michael Crichton's description of the Gell-Mann Amnesia Effect.
- Foruth Music Break: The Replacements, "Darlin' One"
- Buy tonight's album here (affiliate link):
- Michael Buble gets attacked by miserable SJWs over admiring a shapely butt.
- Humorless SJWs attacked left-wing hate site Boing Boing for a "transphobic" cat photo:
- Billy Joel video referenced:
- Steam starts selling mods for Skyrim; Internet goes madface.
- Potential Steam competitor - GOG Galaxy - launches an open beta.
- The new White Shag video:
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